Animation & Video

How the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) problem evolved

We partnered with the SCN Coalition to create a campaign that will make the American soybean farmers aware of the evolving problem of soybean cyst nematode or SCN. I conceived a quirky animation transforming the main source of resistance PI 88788 into a superhero who protects the soybean plants.  But after 20 years of using the same ingredient the nematodes adapt and overcome the protection which leads to loss of soybean yields.

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The SCN Coalition recommendations​

After creating the main animation we decided to make a shorter snippet with the SCN four recommendations. 

Immerse branding whiteboard animation

In collaboration with Immerse Branding we created a whiteboard animation explaining what experiential marketing is  and how through engaging scenarios it incorporates different brands in the story line.
Animation design – Toni Veverka 
Voiceover – Maren Patterson

Video design & Photo retouching – Toni Veverka
Photography – Kathleen Stogin

Phone Version

Short video trailers for Escape Rooms “Party Room”, “Party Room 2” and “Warlocked”.

As part of the rebranding  process for Escape Chambers company we decided to create short 30-second video trailers for their seasonal rooms.